
That's a bold title....Is there really a single most important thing in Network Marketing$%: My answer is ABSOLUTELY. Albeit, there is definitely some competition for that single most important thing; there is still one thing that is so flies right over most people's heads.

It's so simple, yet it's the factor that can make or destroy everyone who attempts to create their dream lifestyle in network marketing.

The one thing and one thing only that is absolutely the most important thing....Do You Believe In Your Self$%:

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So clich:%$eacute; right$%: Your beliefs absolutely will shape your reality. If you don't believe you are worth every single thing you dream for then guess what....YOUR NOT. And you believe it. And just because of that belief, it will affect everyone who you talk to and everything you do.

On some level below the conscious mind you will silently be communicating to everyone that you don't believe in yourself. That even you don't think you are worthy to succeed. And believe me when I say that we as humans pick up on that subtle communication even if we aren't conscious enough to verbalize it. It is registering within everyone you talk to you.

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Your own self doubt will destroy your dreams in a heart beat. Flat out, I have now watched people time after time get so excited only to quit after three months....and why$%: Because they didn't believe they could do it.

They threw away everything, just because they didn't believe in themselves. But what about the people who do believe in themselves$%: We have all heard the stories....years spent struggling in network marketing, never making a thing or sponsoring no one; yet they persist. Why$%:

Because they believe in themselves. Deep down they know they will figure it out, and succeed. And the INDUSTRY wide statistic is 95% of ALL people who stay with a company for 10 years or longer reach the highest level of the company's compensation plan. Close to $500,000 a year.

To me....that is absolutely amazing. In fact, it's a phenomenon. The sheer proof of our beliefs affecting and CREATING our own reality. But to understand this is only the first step. The real work begins once you take on that arduous task of looking within to find your unstoppable source of power.

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